María Teresa Martínez-Seara (Coordinator)
 Inmaculada Baldomá Barraca
 Carles Batlle Arnau
 David Blázquez Sanz
 Amadeu Delshams
 Yuri Fedorov
 Enric Fossas-Colet
 Laura García Taberner
 Mar Giralt Miron
 David Gómez-Ullate
 Rodrigo Gonçalves Schaefer
 Marina Gonchenko
 Robert Griñó
 Toni Guillamon Grabolosa
 Pere Gutiérrez Serrés
 Gemma Huguet Casades
 José Tomás Lázaro Ochoa
 Rafael de la Llave Canosa
 Alejandro Luque
 Víctor Mañosa Fernández
 Pablo Martín de la Torre
 Josep Joaquim Masdemont Soler
 Juan José Morales Ruiz
 Carme Olivé Farré
 Mercè Ollé Torner
 Josep M. Olm Miras
 Juan Ramón Pacha Andújar
 Chara Pantazi
 Joaquim Puig Sadurní
 Rafael Ramírez Ros
 Jordi Villanueva Castelltort
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
University of Texas
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Universitat de Girona
Universitat de Barcelona
During the last 15 years, the group has been collaborating closely with the dynamical systems group of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) giving rise to the so-called UB-UPC dynamical systems group, one of the world leader groups in the development of both analytic and numerical methods applied to the study of dynamical systems.
As points of quality, we would emphasize the following items:
- The quality and quantity of papers in journals of recognized international prestige.
- The participation in several editorial boards of scientific journals.
- Many plenary and invited conferences in international congresses.
- Involved in the organization of many congresses, symposia, workshops, and courses, both national and international.
- Participating and coordinating projects and networks of international cooperation.
- Interaction and collaboration with many national and international scientific groups giving rise to a remarkable amount of visits and stages.
- Maintenance and upgrade, from people of the UPC-group, of parallel computing Beowulf clusters EIXAM and MAYA.
Main research lines:
- Arnold diffusion.
- Mathematical and computational Neuroscience.
- Splitting of separatrices.
- Celestial Mechanics.
 Inmaculada Baldomá Barraca
 Carles Batlle Arnau
 David Blázquez Sanz
 Amadeu Delshams
 Yuri Fedorov
 Enric Fossas-Colet
 Laura García Taberner
 Mar Giralt Miron
 David Gómez-Ullate
 Rodrigo Gonçalves Schaefer
 Marina Gonchenko
 Robert Griñó
 Toni Guillamon Grabolosa
 Pere Gutiérrez Serrés
 Gemma Huguet Casades
 José Tomás Lázaro Ochoa
 Rafael de la Llave Canosa
 Alejandro Luque
 Víctor Mañosa Fernández
 Pablo Martín de la Torre
 Josep Joaquim Masdemont Soler
 Juan José Morales Ruiz
 Carme Olivé Farré
 Mercè Ollé Torner
 Josep M. Olm Miras
 Juan Ramón Pacha Andújar
 Chara Pantazi
 Joaquim Puig Sadurní
 Rafael Ramírez Ros
 Jordi Villanueva Castelltort
University of Texas
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Universitat de Girona
Universitat de Barcelona