The network DANCE aims at being the meeting point of the Spanish researchers in Dynamical Systems and nonlinear dynamics with a flexible, open, integrating and interdisciplinary approach.
To identify relevant problems which could be studied jointly by many groups, in order to minimise efforts and maximise results. To strengthen interdisciplinary and inter-groups collaborations already existing  as well as to promote new ones.
Technology applications frequently require a wide amount of knowledge not available to a specific group but to several of them. Such applications require a working attitude collaborative and open to many different problems. The network aims at integrating pure mathematics with numerical explorations, in order to reinforce one each other. This methodology seems to be necessary for today's technology applications

To improve a wider training of new researchers, by introducing them to new techniques and points of view.


The main activities of the network are:

The winter schools series "Recent trends in nonlinear science", with annual periodicity.
The biennial main network's meeting (DDays). The aim of this meeting is to share the advances of the network as well as the revision of its objectives.
Monthly Webinars and Multidisciplinar Discussion Groups.
This web site as a meeting point and diffusion of the information of all the member groups of the network.



The network was created in June of 2001.

  • From June of 2001 to September of 2006 the coordinators were Lluís Alsedà (UAB) and Amadeu Delshams (UPC).
  • From October of 2006 to December of 2010 the coordinators were Àngel Jorba (UB) and Carmen Nuñez (UVA).
  • From January of 2011 to December of 2014 the coordinators were Lluís Alsedà (UAB) and Enrique Ponce (US).
  • From January 2015 to October 2018 were Tere M-Seara (UPC) and Santiago Ibañez (UNIOVI).
  • Now the coordinators are Patricia Yanguas (UPNA) and Joan Torregrosa (UAB)